Privacy Policy

Data protection and confidentiality is a high priority.

This Privacy Policy explains how personal information about you is collected, shared and used by Bala Games and how you can exercise your privacy rights. This Privacy Policy applies to personal information that we collect when you use our mobile game applications, forums, websites and other online products and services (collectively, the “Services”) or when you otherwise interact with us. This Privacy Policy governs all our Services. Your continued use of the Services shall mean your acceptance of the changes to this Privacy Policy.

Information we collect

We collect information you provide voluntarily to us, such as when you participate in a contest and promotion, communicate with us via third party social media sites, request customer support, send us an email or otherwise interact with us. The types of information we may collect about you include your name, social networking screen names or IDs, email address and any other information you choose to provide.

When you access or use our Services, we automatically collect certain information from you and/or your device (which may be considered personal information under applicable data protection laws). We collect this information with your either your explicit consent in accordance with GDPR article 6(1)(a) or as part of our legitimate interest in accordance with GDPR article 6 (1)(f)., including Log information, Device Information, location information, ad network

Log Information:

about your use of our Services, including the type of browser you use, access times, pages viewed, your IP address, and the page you visited before navigating to our Services.

Device information:

about the device you use to access our Services, including information about the device’s type, software and hardware, Media Access Control (“MAC”) address and other unique device identifiers (such as Device ID and Advertising ID), device token, mobile network information and time zone.

Location information

We collect location information in order to comply with legislation and policies that apply to your area. However, neither we nor our partners collect location information more granular than city level without your explicit consent.

Ad Networks

We may feature advertising in our Services via showing third party advertisements in our Services, as well as advertise our own Services via third parties.

We may feature advertising in our Services via showing third party advertisements in our Services, as well as advertise our own Services via third parties.

Third-party ad serving and analytics technologies are integrated into our Services, so if you do not want to be subject to these technologies, do not use or access our Services.

Our Services may also integrate third party Application Program Interfaces (APIs) and/or SDK’s, which allow others to collect and process information about you, including but not limited to your geo-location information, to provide you with targeted advertisements, offers and other content. You always have the ability to control the collection and use of your geo-location information . You may disable location-based services at any time by adjusting the settings of your mobile device.

Your data protection rights

You are at any time entitled to be informed and/or access the personal information about you that we process, but with certain legislative exceptions. You have the right to: i) object to the collection and further processing of your personal information; ii) have your personal data updated, rectified, erased or blocked; iii) receive information about you that you have provided to us; iv) opt out of certain uses and disclosures of your personal information; and v) have your personal information transmitted to another data controller (data portability). In order for you to exercise your data protection rights we are obliged to verify your identity. We can only verify your identity if you are logged in on one of our Services. You will therefore only be able to exercise your rights if you log in and follow the steps as explained.

Third party SDKs used to provide the Gaming services include

Google Play Services





Audience Network

Age, Children

Our Services are not intended for children. We has implemented age-gate to its games to verify players’ age. Even if you are below the age needed for providing a valid consent for targeted advertising, profiling and geolocation, you can continue accessing our Services. However, there will be no profiling, targeted advertising or geolocation tracking, Our Services will then only contain contextual advertising. We will only collect data, on players under 13 years of age, (or under 16 in certain jurisdictions in the European Union), when it is needed to provide the service and ensure that they are protected in accordance with the applicable privacy laws.